London Boy Lou by Tori Berr with No Dice Jewellery by Sawako Inoue.

So what is NO DICE?

A phrase, that became an idea that became a collaboration. NO DICE is a multi-media collaborative platform set up to work with fellow makers and artists on projects that connect to the concept of no dice.

I run ‘The Printer’s Devil’, a letterpress workshop in East London. In 2020 I collaborated with 19 creatives to create 19 different letterpress prints. Each edition of 19 sold at £19 each. Inspired by the situation we found ourselves in, these collaborations were known as LOCKDOWN LOCKUPs. 2020 was an opportunity to change the rules, proof my own designs and set my own prices. In truth, I had no choice. Every stockist closed. Every job cancelled.

So this is round 2 of collaborations. Multi media.

Lets play Dice. Lets play fair. You can’t loose.


Life sometimes feels like a reality TV show that you can’t switch off. And you’re in it. Because playing dice is fun and social. You don’t need upgrades. You can win. You can lose.